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Configure FFmpeg

What is FFmpeg?

FFmpeg is a well-known open-source audio and video processing library used in many audio and video encoding and decoding projects.

Why use FFmpeg?

This project uses FFmpeg to encode and decode audio and video, allowing NapCat to handle audio and video files in formats supported by QQ.

If your Bot does not need to handle audio and video, you can choose not to install FFmpeg.

Install FFmpeg


  1. Download the official licensed FFmpeg from here;

  2. Extract the folder to a known location (e.g., C:\Program Files) and rename it to ffmpeg;

  3. Your ffmpeg folder structure should look like this:

    |___\ ...


    Make sure that the bin folder contains ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe, and ffprobe.exe! Otherwise, unexpected errors may occur.

  4. Start QQNT, go to the LLOneBot settings page, select FFmpeg as the previously extracted ffmpeg.exe (in this example, the main FFmpeg program is located at C:\Program Files\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe), and then click the "Save" button;

  5. If no errors occur, FFmpeg is successfully configured. Congratulations!

If other programs also need to use FFmpeg

If other programs support manually selecting the FFmpeg location, simply configure it to use the FFmpeg used by NapCat.

If other programs do not support manually selecting the FFmpeg location, simply register the bin directory of FFmpeg to the system PATH variable (refer to this tutorial) .

If you have installed FFmpeg in the system variable, you can use FFmpeg normally whether or not you have configured the FFmpeg path in NapCat.


Use the package manager of your system to install ffmpeg directly.


You can install FFmpeg using Homebrew, or you can manually download the binary files from here and install them.

Note that if you choose to install manually, make sure you download and install FFmpeg, FFprobe, and FFplay, otherwise unexpected errors may occur.