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Framework Integration

Integrating with Open Source Frameworks

Using Koishi and NoneBot as examples.

Configuring Koishi
  1. Search for onebot in the Koishi plugin market and install adapter-onebot as shown below:


  2. After installation, click on modify → configuration


  3. Configure OneBot

    Here's an example using WS reverse connection:

    • selfId is your bot's QQ number
    • token should match the token configured in NapCat. If no token is configured, leave it blank.
    • Select protocol as ws-reverse

    Leave other configurations as default, click save, and then enable the plugin.


    After configuration, add the WS reverse address in NapCat's settings. The WS reverse address for Koishi OneBot is ws:// Once added, click save.

Configuring NoneBot
  1. Configure NoneBot

    Assuming you have installed the OneBot adapter.

    By default, NoneBot enables reverse ws. If you encounter a 403 error, it may be due to default configuration issues and requires configuring a token for a normal connection. The specific method is to modify the NoneBot configuration file .env and add ONEBOT_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_token_configured_in_NapCat.

    Then, start NoneBot and you will see the port number output by NoneBot, such as 8080.

  2. Configure NapCat

    Add the reverse ws address in NapCat settings, the address is ws://, where 8080 is the port number output by NoneBot, and /onebot/v11/ws is the default path for NoneBot onebot adapter.


    Always remember: the token configured in NapCat must match the one configured in NoneBot!

Configuring HTTP Service

Configuring the HTTP service involves two main aspects: one is the HTTP listening port (to be called by your application), and the other is the HTTP reporting address (to be called by NapCat).

HTTP Listening Port

For example, if the configured port number is 3000, the API address would be http://localhost:3000.

HTTP Reporting Address

When NapCat receives messages or other events, it reports them to this address via a POST request.


The reporting address must start with http://

Configuring WebSocket Service

In the OneBot 11 standard, the definitions of "forward WS" and "reverse WS" are somewhat ambiguous. Here's a clear distinction: forward refers to accepting WS connections from the application side, while reverse refers to NapCat actively connecting to the reverse WS address listened by the application side.

Forward WS Configuration

For example, if the configured port number is 3001, then the WS address configured on the application side should be ws://localhost:3001.

Reverse WS Configuration

For example, if NoneBot2 is configured with a OneBot port of 8080 and a path of /onebot/v11/ws, then the configured reverse WS address is ws://localhost:8080/onebot/v11/ws.